Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Changing Role of Central Office Staff

    Welcome to my first Blog. As Assistant Superintendent for Wild Rose Public Schools I hope to create a blog that allows for discussion of education topics relevant to teachers, administrators, and others involved in education. When I first started in Central Office 12 years ago, I was asked to work towards changing how professional learning was delivered in Wild Rose Public Schools. Over the past 12 years due to the work of teachers and administrators in Wild Rose and due to the support of Alberta Education and their collaborative partners in developing AISI, there has been a change. Professional Learning is much more school based. So how does that affect my role.
    The National Staff Development Council has recently published seven tasks for which system administrators bear some responsibility.These include 1) Building system capacity; 2) Providing Research and Best Practices; 3)Allocating Resources; 4) Provide coordination among schools in the system; 5) Coordinate Cross-School Collaborative Learning Teams; 6) Monitor School Learning Plans; and 7) Provide Support.
    In Wild Rose we build capacity by providing opportunities for teacher leadership training - AISI; PLP; Alberta Education opportunities; Central Alberta Regional Consortia. We provide opportunities for research and best practice sharing through conferences and symposiums. Resources are used to support our new calendar so that there are positive professional learning opportunities for all. Pilot initiatives are supported for those who wish to participate (SmartLearning; Galileo). We encourage the development of teams to examine policies and practices (Exemplary Teaching). Cross school teams, usually curriculum based, are encouraged and supported. As an ETeam member, I visit schools and meet regularly with school leadership teams to monitor and review schools goals and plans.I see myself as a support to the school, the administrator, the teacher, and the student.
    By collaborating, I hope that the professional learning in Wild Rose will be aligned with Alberta's, the division's and the school's goals and that at the end of the year, we will all have helped in moving forward the learning of our students and ourselves.


  1. Nice looking blog! I am curious where the title of your blog comes from? I also wonder if you would add a picture to your profile one day?

    I appreciated reading the seven tasks set out by the National Staff development council. I would be interested in reading a little bit more about this and wonder if there is a link that you would recommend for further reading?

    Happy blogging,
    Danielle :)

  2. Great picture of you to explain the title of your blog! Collaboration is vital in improving our craft of teaching and enriching the lives of students we work with everyday. As we strive to guide learners of the 21st century, our role is changing constantly and we need to build our personal learning networks to collaborate at schools, within our division, our province and around the world.

  3. gr8 pic!
    You might like this blog:

  4. Thanks Danielle.I especially liked the blog by Jonathan Martin speaking of student engagement.
